Can I help you with your bridge website?

So if you're a bridge author with a new book to promote or a tournament chair with a big regional every year or maybe you just want to share stories about your bridge life, or bridge links or tips or humour, you can hire Jude Goodwin to set your site up and after that manage it completely on your own.

Are There Different Types of Bridge?

Bridge isn’t just bridge. There are many different forms of bridge, including duplicate bridge, rubber bridge, Chicago bridge and the aptly named Minibridge. We’ve collected some more info about each for you below. Which form does your favorite bridge game take?

9 Free Resources to help you Advance Your Bridge Game

Advance your bridge game - Great Bridge Links
Bridge is a pretty easy game to learn, but it can take decades to master and develop your own personal strategy for the bridge table. So, what happens when you’ve already picked up the basics and want to take your skills a little further? We’ve collected some of the best online resources for learning more advanced bridge skills – and the best thing about it is that they’re all free!