New Bridge Links

Send us your links and site updates to be featured on Great Bridge Links! Our New Bridge Links page highlights the latest submissions from the global bridge community, along with links we’ve discovered online. Listings are free and remain on this page for at least one year before being moved to relevant sections of our site. Older links are also kept here temporarily to ensure they’re not lost while awaiting a permanent spot. If you have a bridge-related link that’s missing, use the ADD ME form at the bottom of every page to share it with us. Bridge Links are FREE!

Read the world’s bridge news at one of these sites.

ACBL BridgeFeed Newspage –

WBF World Bridge News and links.

WBF Youth World Bridge News for Youth and Junior players.

Bridge Winners Bridge News through articles posted by players around the world.

Bridge Mind Sport News

Bridge Base Online Newsfeed

Neapolitan Club Online Bridge Magazine.

Here are some sites that take on the enormous task of on online bridge encyclopedia.

Bridge Bum The ultimate online bridge encyclopedia. Bridgebum began in 1999 and covers a large set of descriptions of bidding conventions, declarer play, defense and more.

Contract Bridge on Wikipedia Available in 16 languages. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.

BridgeHands Bridge Encyclopedia Well-indexed complete Bridge Encyclopedia

Foundation for the Preservation and Advancement of Bridge Includes a museum.

Some of you may have noticed text links to casinos popping up here and there on Great Bridge Links (mostly at the bottom of our home page and in articles in the Casino Library). We made the decision, a few years back, to allow these links as sponsorship and support for Great Bridge Links. Some of you are casino fans, we know, but for the rest of you, we make every effort to keep the links from interfering with the useful bridge content you know and love on this site.

New Bridge Links 2024

2024: Handle – Challenge your card play with this daily deal – no bidding involved. The deals are all carefully curated. The bidding is shown (users select Acol or SAYC in preferences) with explanations given.  You can binge-play deals during the week, and share your results, but all deals disappear at 00.00 on Sunday!

2024: Real Bridge Hands. For a Bridge Pro or lessons (online or live in NYC area) – Grand Life Master and master player and teacher Jeff Hand is available.
2024: Bridge Sprees – Cruises and Bridge Camps with Gail Greenberg and Jeff Hand

2024: Luxury Bridge Holidays – StockenBridge create and run very special, luxury bridge holidays in the UK and abroad. We successfully combine great locations, wonderful food, stimulating company and of course bridge!

2024: Level Up with Adam Parrish – I’ll be sharing my progress in my new Substack, where I’m also publishing my free monthly newsletter. I’m hoping to post a weekly update on my training. I’m going to make videos of interesting hands and post them in the Substack and on social media. I’ll probably write some articles and post polls on Bridge Winners.

2024: Bridge UnleashedTracey Bauer gathers internet bridge assets and resources on her new website. “Marketing for the future of the game.”

2024: YouTubeBridge Babe – Bridge is a game that has something in it for everyone, strategy, partnership, math, socializing, travel, and more! I’ve been lucky to spend the last 8 years falling in love with the game and getting to share it through my classes and now on social media! Morgan Johnstone

2024: Bridge Notes Master Your Bridge System Notes A modern way to document, organize, and collaborate on your bridge bidding systems. Stay organized and always ready for your next game. Read article here

2024: YouTube The Bridge Movie – Part 1. Here’s something fun – you’ll enjoy these old movies produced by Brian Glubock. Includes interviews with bridge personalities including Zia Mahmood and Bob Hamman. Part 2Part 3.

2024: Wolpert Bridge – Gavin and Hazel Wolpert’s Bridge Lessons

2024: Learn Bridge Online – Bridge lessons for all levels & bidding systems. Includes Free bridge lessons and videos made by our popular bridge teachers from around the world.

2024: YouTube. Rob Brady – I like cards.

2024: YouTube. @BridgeWithPete – G’day I’m Pete Hollands, a professional Australian bridge player, who makes play videos of the card game Bridge where I discuss my thoughts as I play a hand to help give other players an insight into my thought process.

2024: YouTube.  @bridgewithsteve – A place to view a lot of my Twitch streams. Will primarily be about the card game bridge, but may also feature maths challenges, crosswords or board game content too. 

2024: YouTube. Bridge Unleashed – Tracy Bauer – This channel is a platform to share, learn, and promote the game we all love.

2024: YouTube. Bridging the Digital Gap  Harnessing the power of Social Media and AI in Bridge Marketing

2024: Bernard Magee Bridge – Mr.Bridge is gone but his son, Bernard, has an established bridge site: Join BMB to improve your bridge with the UK’s #1 bridge tutor Bernard Magee.

2024: Bridge University – Learn to Play Bridge Like a Real Master with Krzysztop Martens.

2024: The Baron Barclay Blog – Find bridge book reviews, Frank Stewart’s bridge column, and more on this newly re-launched blog.

2024: Rhoda’s Rules – Rhoda Walsh shares rules and stories about the game of bridge.

2024: The World of Playing Cards – an established website which will delight those who love cards.

2024: The World’s Favourite Bidding Challenge. Hosted by Marc Smith and published on Real Bridge.

2024: 60 Second Bridge – Learn to play Bridge with our short and precise interactive Bridge lessons, quizzes, and online play. This isn’t a new site, but newly discovered. Looks great!

2024: A Teacher First – Learn to play bridge and solve puzzles.

New Bridge Links 2023 and Older

Nov 2023: EDGARbridge – Developing trusted tools for efficiently detecting cheating in online bridge and using them to assist bridge organizations.

Winter 2023 – New York School of Bridge – Yoko Sobel and Maya Jonas-Silver teach bridge. Also home of the 2024 Bridge Pro Calendar. “Catch 12 of your favourite players away from the table.”

Winter 2023 – CueBids – Connect to your partner and start bidding. No need to be online at the same time. Compare with professionals and friends. Get instant feedback. Free.

Winter 2023: Institute of Bridge Arbitration – Administering bridge arbitrations and recruiting and training bridge players to serve as bridge arbitrators

Fall 2023 – Table Talk At Trump Card Bridge Club: The Bridge Card Game Where Humour Strategy And Friendship Converge   Craig Bradwelll is a first-time author who just published his first bridge novel about four students learning the game of bridge. It also pays tribute to My own Grimsby Bridge Club and pays tribute to its past and present members.

Fall 2023 – Bridge Training Portal – The teacher creates or downloads a deal. Students play this deal for free.

Fall 2023 – Swan Games – Online club where you can win ACBL masterpoints. Newly launched Fall 2023!

Summer 2023 –  Esther Bridge Lessons. A hypothetical Bridge Quintuple Emerald Lifemaster, Esther, through humorous dialogs, teaches her earnest student Bruce, basic principles and Bridge conventions.

Summer 2023: YouTube. Bridge Vid  Pete Hollands is professional bridge player & teacher who has represented the Australian open team. He runs a popular YouTube channel (Pete Hollands Bridge) where you can play tournaments and compare with him. He won two silver medals in the 2013 World Junior Championships.

Summer 2023 –  Bridge Solver – Bridge Solver Online is a free interactive bridge hand analyser utilising Bo Haglund’s well known double dummy solver module. There is now a version of Bridge Solver Online which is completely self contained, having no server components or external dependences.

Summer 2023: Learn Bridge In A Day It is the perfect combination of mental challenge and social interaction. Whirlwind Bridge gives players with busy lives the most effective and convenient bridge learning experience possible, regardless of skill level.

Summer 2023: 56 episode Learn to Play series called Bridge is for EveryoneClick here to enjoy and be sure to share with your friends and family.

Spring 2023: Bridge Live / Bridge 21. One of the newest online platforms designed for players and clubs both digital and face to face

Spring 2023: About the Opening Bid – Perry Gray worked over 35 years is Sports Media in Hamilton and Toronto and is now retired and looking to support and learn the great game of Bridge.

Spring 2023: Bridge Champ Wiki – Includes a Bridge Champ forum, mini-bridge, convention cards, and Bug Bounty Program

Spring 2023: Bridge 21 – A new approach to bidding.

Spring 2023: Bridge Instructors – It is not easy to find professional bridge player to play with. With Bridge Instructors you can play and learn with famous professional bridge players online.

Spring 2023: World Bridge Challenge. Online challenge tournaments using the BBO platform.

Spring 2023: IBESCore  – an onsite game scoring app players use during face to face play which tracks overall scores around the room. As well the Director can monitor progress, players can view scorecards, rankings or traveller comparisons, and friends and family can spectate from anywhere around the world as play happens.

Spring 2023: Bridge Champ. The Next Generation Of Online Bridge Playing online Bridge can be complex. Bridge Champ makes it easier for you!

Winter 2023: Robot Bridge Lectures by Josh Donn and Leo LaSota

Winter card game guides including a beginners guide on how to play Bridge (

Winter 2023: New website for Women’s Bridge in the European Bridge League which will bring regular updates regarding current and future activities for promoting women to the forefront of International Bridge. View website here

Winter 2022: Bridgestars – The platform you’ve always wanted. A modern platform for Bridge players all around the world to play unlimited Bridge for free

Fall 2022: Computer Bridge – Are you interested in computer bridge and robot play? Then this site is for you!

Fall 2022: IntoBridge – We designed, with you and for you, the most comprehensive and intuitive bridge platform on the market. IntoBridge is the work of a passionate team of demanding players, with one goal: to provide the best experience to the online players. So, we have worked hard to offer you an evolving, collaborative platform where everyone can progress while having a good time. IntoBridge is a living platform, designed to constantly grow and meet the community’s needs.

Summer 2022: BridgeWhiz has a new website!

Summer 2022: USEBIO is an XML file format for reporting bridge results from scoring programs. It was first used by the English Bridge Union but is now also used by Pianola, Bridgewebs and RealBridge among others. A new update to it, currently in draft form, has been released.