Category: Bridge Stories

HomeBridge Stories

But movement is still key. A recent 16 year study of 3720 men and 1412 women published in the International Journal of Epidemiology concluded that sitting, in any setting, does not increase the risk of an early death.

Some people use caffeine it as a wake-up call both at the bridge table and away from it – but what does coffee do, is it bad for you, are there side-effects, or is it a miracle cure helping you perform better and live longer. Alex takes a trip to the coffee shop for us …

Synrey Bridge and Micro Bridge met in the finals of the World Computer Bridge Championship but aren’t they the same robot? Alex interviews Erik Liu, creator of Synrey Bridge, a second time to find out.

New Tricks Bridge features in-depth tutorials, and the New Tricks Tournament Series, featuring eight of the world’s best bridge players, battling it out for individual glory. We interviewed one of the founders, Sue Johnson, to learn what this is all about.

In the recent IBPA Newsletter, we noticed that Synrey Bridge  was mentioned as one of the places to play in a new World Online Championship (WOC) beginning in 2020 and hosted by the World Bridge Federation. Players will be able to purchase tournament entries in batches to play on BBO, FunBridge or Synrey (China Bridge …

Some of us are already thinking about our holiday gift-giving and what better gift than a bridge book? Alex explores some of the titles, and awards, from 2019. It’s been a good year for bridge books!

Screens are used to help minimize the incidence of cheating in high-level bridge competitions. They divide the bridge diagonally to make it difficult for partners to interact with one another visually, and they’re used at many national and international events including this month’s World Championships. Find out more about bridge screens.

Meltdowns and temper tantrums might be something that you would traditionally associate with a poker game – turns out that the same thing takes place at many bridge games. Rudeness and obscenities at the bridge table are nothing new. When the stakes are high and it’s win or lose, stress levels go up and tempers …