So What’s Social Bridge Online?

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Bridge players might have heard about a new initiative called Social Bridge Online that’s geared to drawing more people to social online bridge games. Great Bridge Links followed some great bridge links and found out just what the online bridge player meet-up means.

So What’s Social Bridge Online?

by Alex J Coyne © 2020 Great Bridge Links

With the shut down of all real-time bridge clubs and tournaments, thousands of bridge players have taken the game up online playing with such servers as BBO and FunBridge. But what about kitchen bridge? It’s no longer safe to sit in a cozy room with people outside your bubble, laughing and playing cards, and we are missing many of the social aspects of the game.

Social Bridge Online to the rescue! Some of you might have heard about a new initiative called Social Bridge Online that’s geared to drawing more people to social online bridge games. Great Bridge Links followed some great bridge links and found out just what the online bridge player meet-up means (and how it fits in with Trickster Cards and the ACBL Educational Foundation).

This is the first of many things we hope to do to help social bridge players enjoy their game more and become part of the larger community of players.   ACBL Educational Foundation

Speaking with Robert Todd

We tracked down Robert Todd to tell us more about Social Bridge Online and how it works.

Social Bridge Online - Great Bridge Links

Why the ACBL Educational Foundation?

The ACBL Educational Foundation works in support (and promotes) bridge of all kinds. With there being so much activity on the duplicate/competitive bridge side of things, we thought it was important to work to encourage social bridge players to continue to play the game online.

What is Social Bridge Online?

Social Bridge Online is a website designed to start providing information to social bridge players about their online bridge opportunities. Our goal is to grow and evolve the site to provide information for bridge players (more socially-oriented, less competitive) about places they can play bridge online.

What about Social Bridge Online and Trickster Bridge?

Social Bridge Online is supported by the Foundation and TricksterBridge (and TricksterCards), a product that we thought would be enjoyable for social bridge players. A nice, clean, easy-to-use interface with rubber bridge-type scoring (not duplicate).

What happens next?

We hope that the SBO website grows into a place where bridge companies and people can recommend bridge-related activities to players that are less competitive. We plan to focus on bringing more information to players soon.

Links First

Want to know where to play social bridge online?

Social Bridge Online (SBO) hopes to answer that question for more casual bridge players out there.

Here’s where to find them:

Visit the official website for Social Bridge Online here.

Visit the online bridge platform Trickster Cards here.

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