43rd World Bridge Team Championships

August 12-26, 2017

Bermuda Bowl, Venice Cup, d’Orsi Senior Trophy
11th World Transnational Open Teams Championshp
5th World Youth Open Championships
21st World Computer Bridge Championships
1st French Bridge Open

Organised by the World Bridge Federation in cooperation with the Federation Française de Bridge. All the Championships will be played at the CITÉ CENTRE DE CONGRÈS. Lyon, France

The 43rd World Bridge Team Championships and the 11th FunBridge World Transnational Open Teams ended tonight.  Click here to read the WBF’s final message, and a list of winners


5th World Youth

5th World Youth Open Championships

5th World Youth open Bridge Championships - Great Bridge Links

The World Youth Open Championships will be held from August 15th (Tuesday) to 24th (Thursday) in Lyon.

The Championship is open to all players born on or after 1st January 1992 (Juniors & Girls) or born on or after 1st January 1997 (Youngsters) or born on or after 1st January 2002 (Kids) in good standing with their own NBOs. Teams and Pairs must be made up of players from the same NBO. Players must be members (not necessarily nationals) of the Federation through which they enter. NBOs were able to send as many teams or pairs as they wished.

Tournament Championship Website Click Here – bulletins and results

World Youth Bridge Website Click Here – some wonderful articles and lots of information

World Computer Bridge

21st World Computer Bridge Championship

The 21th World Computer-Bridge Championship will take place 19-24 August at the World Teams Championships in Lyon, France. The robot championship is supported by the ACBL and WBF.

The robots are used in software games and interactive teaching tools. More information is found at: www.computerbridge.com