Category: Casino Library

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The Role of Luck in Professional Poker Poker is one of the most popular card games out there because the outcome of each game depends on both luck and the skill of the player. Yes, luck surely is a factor in this game because sometimes the cards just don’t go your way, and you just …

The Rise of Online Gaming Industry The modern day has come a long-long way from where it started. It started from tabletops and now the time has come for virtual reality. The online gaming industry is expected to reach $196 billions by 2022. This makes it one of the fastest growing industries in the world. …

Can You Know Your Opponent's Hand Outright? One of the strongest arguments for poker not being a game of chance but rather, a game of skill is that you can really tell and predict what your opponent’s hand is. Of course, there is the imperfection known as bluffing. Still, someone as masterful at poker as …

Bankroll Management is Key in Sports Betting Treat Betting Like a Business Sports betting has emerged from the shadows and has gone mainstream in recent years but many do not understand how to stay in the game and potentially make a profit. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the house doesn’t always win…it just wins most of …

The Top 10 Myths about Slot Machine Demystified The Truth about Slot Machine Myths Slot machines are a very popular source of gambling entertainment for the people, both in land-based and online casinos. It is a trendy gaming category as it does not require any skill to set the reels rolling. Slots are based on …

Crazy Bad Beat Hand by Sammy Chang © 2018 Great Bridge Links Back before all the hoopla about the World Series of Poker and before it became mainstream, poker was played in seedy backrooms. Before Texas Hold ‘Em became the staple game of choice among celebrities and rock stars, you’d be hard pressed to find …