Robot Bridge, Now Ranked by the World Bridge Federation

Robot bridge
The World Bridge Federation (WBF) has introduced a ranking system for online, bot-powered bridge games. More than just for practice, future bridge bot games can count for points.

6 Tips to Get the Fastest Payouts at Casinos in New Zealand

6 Tips to Get the Fastest Payouts at Casinos in New Zealand - GReat Bridge LInks
Waiting to get paid at casinos can be quite frustrating and agonizing. Winning big can make anyone’s day, but waiting forever to receive the money is never fun. Luckily, this doesn’t have to be the case. 

Top Strategies To Maximize Your Online Casino Profits

Top Strategies To Maximize Your Online Casino Profits - Great Bridge Links
A thriving industry, online casinos are becoming more and more popular as capitalism advances. Profits can differ depending on the gambling strategy employed. Whatever the type or fashion you favor, there are some strategies that can help you increase your winning percentage and raise the potential return on every dollar wagered. Here, we'll go over some advice for increasing your casino winnings when playing online.

Underrated Tips to Improve Table Game Strategy

Underrated Tips to Improve Table Game Strategy - Great Bridge LInks
Bridge is one of the most unique and specialized table games in the world. The trick-taking card game is played by millions of people across the globe, including both online and in-person