No need to line up for those last minute gifts! The businesses and services that bring you the best of bridge year round are offering deals and gifts for the holidays.
No need to line up for those last minute gifts! The businesses and services that bring you the best of bridge year round are offering deals and gifts for the holidays.
What’s the most ridiculous myth about bridge that you’ve ever heard whispered around the table?
We spoke to Dan Storch from BBO about the new live audio feature for games. Here’s how it works, why it’s there, and how to use it.
We love the game of bridge so much that we thought we’d take a closer look at bridge in fiction: books where bridge gets a brief mention or even forms part of the entire plot.
The 52 Entertainment brand is gaining speed – and steadily becoming one of the largest umbrellas in the world of bridge. Great Game Products, Bridge Baron, Bridge Base Online, China Bridge Online, and Funbridge are some of the recent additions and now Master Point Press.
Tricky Bridge has a fantastic launch. 7, 000 new users introduced to bridge in its first week. Learn more about Apple’s top featured new game of the week.
Bridge is reaching new heights as a widely recognized e-sport on the international circuit, and it’s partially thanks to a company known as 52 Entertainment. The acquisition of Bridge Baron and Great Game Products to the company is their latest move. We find out exactly what’s laid out on the table so far.
Bridge players might have heard about a new initiative called Social Bridge Online that’s geared to drawing more people to social online bridge games. Great Bridge Links followed some great bridge links and found out just what the online bridge player meet-up means.
As it turns out, it’s not just about knowing when to hold ‘em – a lot of cards, whether it’s a game of poker or bridge or a magic show cantered around tricks, is down to how you shuffle and deal the cards. We looked around for some of the best resources… Here goes!
It’s a “locked room” mystery in that all the suspects are in one room and seemingly have an alibi provided by one another.