RealBridge is a new online bridge platform created to provide “an online bridge experience which is closer to face-to-face bridge.” We spoke to programmer, bridgeur and blues player Graham Hazel from the development team about what RealBridge is – and what it might be able to bring to the table getting closer to its launch date.
Play with Experts at & BBO
If you've ever wanted to step up your game to a higher level, or see what it's like to share tables with a pro, this gives you a chance to do it. Here's what to know about the new online bridge group – and why to participate.
Plugging Into the Online Contract Bridge League
The Online Contract Bridge League aims to organize high-quality, high-level online tournaments through BBO. Right now, events are said to be invitational-by-application. Great Bridge Links and Alex J. Coyne spoke to Max from the OCBL to find out more.
The SABF (Online) Interprovincial Tournament – Here’s How It Went
The South African Bridge Federation (SABF) have come up with an interesting solution to broadcasting the game for their 2nd Interprovincial Tournament. Great Bridge Links spoke to Malcolm Siegel from the SABF about why this was a pretty big deal for continuing serious bridge during lockdown.
Cheer Up! Bridge Humour and Jokes
Cracking a joke is a great way to break the ice between a group of players; but what if you don’t know any good bridge jokes? We took care of that for you: Here’s a look at some of the best collected bridge humor available online.