Category: Bridge Stories

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Whether your bridge-playing family or friends have convinced you to take up the mantle, or whether bridge’s brain benefits or some other reason have motivated you to learn the game, you’re about to embark on one of the toughest and most rewarding journeys of your life.

Best way to learn bridge

Remember when you were a couple years (or decades) younger and things just seemed easier? Well, this is as close as you’re going to get to a time-machine: Fire up your old DOS PC or download an emulator like DOSBox (with detailed usage instructions on its website)and let’s play some retro bridge games.

AI has come a long way since Deep Blue beat chess player Garry Kasparov in 1996, but research shows that AI isn’t quite as close to matching up with real-life Bridge players as we thought. Here’s how far we’ve come with Bridge AI so far and what could still be holding it back.

Bridge has a lengthy, multi-layered history, but the version we play today evolved from the game whist. In whist, actual gameplay was almost identical, but there was no betting beforehand, and thus no trump suit. In addition, the scoring was vastly simplified.

Bridging the social canyon

Setting up a bridge room for games at home (or on behalf of your bridge club) seems like a major hassle and a lot of work: But it shouldn’t have to be. Here’s everything you’ll need to set up your basic bridge room and just where to get it.

Your Bridge Room Checklist

You might’ve heard the talk in Bridge circles about something called ‘The Common Game’. But just what the heck is it about? Great Bridge Link’s Alex J. Coyne did some investigating.

The Common Game