Learn from the Pros

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Plenty of professional bridge players have switched over to teaching, and there’s a ton of resources available where you get to learn right from the pros. Alex has compiled a list for us!

Learn from the Pros

by Alex J. Coyne © 2016 Great Bridge Links (Links last updated Feb 2020)

I get by with a little help from my friends… But what if your friends don’t just happen to be professional bridge players? Well, not to worry – plenty of professional bridge players have switched over to teaching, and there’s a ton of resources available where you get to learn bridge right from the pros. Alex has compiled a list for us!

Omar Sharif

Omar Sharif Bridge (iTunes)

Omar Sharif Talks Bridge (Omar Sharif & David Bird)

Omar Sharif’s Life in Bridge 

In addition to being an actor who appeared in cinema classics like Lawrence of Arabia, Omar Sharif was a more-than-accomplished professional Bridge player. He lent his name, likeness and kick-ass bridge playing skills to several games, wrote plenty of books – many of which are still up for grabs on Amazon.

Andrew Robson Bridge Club

Official Website

Robson Bridge App


The Andrew Robson Bridge Club is based in London, and if you’re nearby you can schedule a personal bridge course with Robson, reportedly the number one player in Britain – just check the schedule on the website. If you don’t want to travel that far, you can also get the Robson Bridge App – complete with lesson material from Ronson – or check out the webstore for a myriad of books and other cool stuff.

Robson was also awarded the OBE in 2013 for his contributions to charity and the game of Bridge, so that’s technically Sir Andrew Robson.

Bridge Teaching by Kitty Cooper

Official Website

Kitty Cooper started teaching people about Bridge in the 90’s, and a quick read-through of her website bio will tell you that she’s definitely qualified to offer up some useful playing tips: Kitty Cooper and her teammates took the 1989 Venice Cup (for the US). On her official website for bridge, you’ll find lessons, videos, downloads and information for both students and teachers on the game of bridge.

Barbara Seagram School of Bridge

Official Website

Barbara Seagram is a prolific and award-winning bridge player and author of more than 24 books on bridge. In addition, she co-authored 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know with Marc Smith, served on the ACBL’s Board of Directors and runs the Barbara Seagram School of Bridge in Toronto together with her husband, Alex.

Check out her website for lesson information, cool downloads – or consider booking a one-on-one course if you’re passing through Canada!

Joan Butts Bridge

Official Website joanbuttsbridge.com 

Bridge Lessons


Joan Butts is one of the leading Bridge teachers in Australia, and her official website offers you the best of what she’s got to offer. For free online lessons, including Beginners’ Lessons, a Card Play Course, Modern Bidding Methods, Refresher Lessons and Quick Tips, go here. Keep an eye on the events page, too, for upcoming workshops and courses.

Marty Bergen.com

Official Website

Free Downloads


Of course, someone who’s been a national Bridge champion ten times will have at least a couple of tips about how he got there. Marty Bergen has written several books on the game, all available on his official website, and also offers lessons, courses and voice lessons. You’ll have to pay for most of the content, but there are some excerpts, tips and more cool stuff under Free Downloads.

Audrey Grant’s Better Bridge

Official Website

Audrey Grant’s Better Bridge App

Better Bridge Magazine

Audrey Grant is the pro of bridge pro’s. In 2012, the ACBL named her number 43 on the list of the most influential people in the history of the ACBL. Her website is a hugely rich resource of bridge news, tips and information. There’s an – interactive – daily bridge column, online lessons, books, cruises and more. There’s even a spot where Audrey takes the time to teach bridge teachers!

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