Get Your Trump Markers Here

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Trump markers today are a niche collectible, found in myriad forms but all originally serving one purpose: to signal which suit was trump. Alex has searched far and wide to bring your this great list of trump indicator resources.

Get Your Trump Markers Here

By Alex J. Coyne © 2017 for Great Bridge Links

Trump indicators (also called suit indicators or markers) are used in bridge games to mark the game’s trump suit. How many do you own so far? It turns out that many people collect trump markers – hey, collectors of trump indicators have even gotten some media attention, like in this here Chron article.

Are you a collector yet? Check out some of these …

The Joan Schepps Collection of Trump Indicators

The Joan Schepps Collection of Trump Indicators is the largest collection of its sort in the United States, currently under care of the Foundation for the Preservation and Advancement of Bridge (FPAB). It contains more than 650 pieces, including some made from porcelain, Bakelite and even silver, and can be seen at the ACBL Museum in Memphis.

The American Museum of Natural History: Tiny Dancer

There’s even a trump indicator part of a collection at the American Museum of Natural History, made in the 1920’s; it’s made from celluloid (as imitation ivory) and shows a (well…) tiny dancer whose leg playfully points to the suit – and, quite impressively, once it gets to spades.

Peter Dunn’s Bridge Ephemera

No exploration of bridge collectibles and ephemera is complete without a visit to Peter Dunn’s website. So many wonderful trump indicators (and lots of other stuff too). You can purchase directly from Peter using PayPal or a credit card.

Ruby Lane: 1920s Piece

Okay, if you really love vintage cards and accessories, then check out this one from Ruby Lane – simple but beautiful, and apparently dating from more or less the 1920s. It’s a classic ‘flip style market’ with the suit markers, made from celluloid plastic, hanging on a brass stand.

Vintage-Style, Modern Times?

Can’t afford to blow big money on a vintage piece? You’re in luck: Card Playing World has this own small and portable ‘vintage style’ trump indicator – nothing fancy and much like a dice, you can easily throw it in your pocket and take it along for your next bridge game. Not bad at just $8.99, produced by Newt’s Games & Puzzles and painted by hand. While you’re there, check out the Ladies Rule marker, quite unique!

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