For many bridge players, across the spectrum from amateur to elite, competing at tournaments is the absolute best part of the game. Whether you attend one tournament a year or you deliberately schedule your calendar around the events (making sure to hit the most exciting destinations, of course!), there are certain attributes that undeniably make some tournaments more enjoyable than others.
Fun & Games for Bridge Players
There’s more to playing bridge than just playing bridge. In fact, it turns out there’s a whole range of bridge-related games for bridge players out there including crosswords to get to know your lingo around the table, quizzes to sharpen up your card knowledge and even a range of bridge-related puzzles.
About Bridge: Quotes
"Old Bridge players never die; they just lose their finesse." Quote about bridge from famous and not so famous people
What’s the Best Way to Learn to Play Bridge?
Whether your bridge-playing family or friends have convinced you to take up the mantle, or whether bridge’s brain benefits or some other reason have motivated you to learn the game, you’re about to embark on one of the toughest and most rewarding journeys of your life.
The World Bridge Championships: What You Should Know
The 43rd World Bridge Championships are taking place between the 12th to 26th of August 2017 in Lyon, France. Excited yet? We took a closer look at the World Bridge Championships and what you should know.