How One Campaign Intends to Transform the Game of Bridge

Keep Bridge Alive Campaign

How One Campaign Intends to Transform the Game of Bridge

By Alex J. Coyne © 2019 Great Bridge Links

The Keep Bridge Alive project hopes to transform the image of bridge, increase participation and enhance sustainability of our favourite mind sport.

Alex Coyne spoke to Professor Samantha Punch (top photo) at University of Stirling about her research and the Keep Bridge Alive Campaign – and the interview is published below in complete form,


And guess who was sitting North!

Celebrities at the Bridge Table - Great Bridge Links
Just like in the world of poker, the bridge tables and tournaments of the world also have their selection of celebrities – people who are famous for playing bridge. But we thought we'd look at famous people who also happen to play bridge.

The International Budapest Bridge Festival & LoveBridge

LoveBridge in Budapest - Great Bridge Links
The LoveBridge tablet system was used at the  42nd International Budapest Bridge Festival in 2019 replacing traditional bidding boxes and cards with technology. Alex J. Coyne and Great Bridge Links caught up with Péter Talyigás from LoveBridge to find out what the platform brought to the tournament,