The news of the world’s top bridge player being issued a recent doping ban from the game shocked, surprised and slightly confused everyone at the same time – but that’s not the end of the story, and nor is Geir Helgemo the only top player that has ever been banned from the game.
BBO’s Just Declare Bridge
Just Declare Bridge is a solitary bridge game available through Bridge Base Online that allows you to play a game of bridge against intelligent robot players – with you as the game’s declarer by default. It can be a great way to practice your skills and improve your overall game with just a click.
Bridge’s Cold Case: The Murder of Barry Crane
Great Bridge Links and Alex J. Coyne examine the man, the murder, the news and the arrest.
Bridge in Poland
For our next article in our world bridge series, with the International Bridge Fest taking place on the 11thof May, 2019 in Warsaw, we take a closer look at the current bridge scene in Poland.
Why Money Bridge Isn’t Bigger
Money bridge was huge at one point, but it seems like it’s disappeared from the scene, leaving precious few options left where you can play an online bridge game for cash. We wondered why there aren’t more readily available options for money bridge through online casinos, so we went digging.