For the serious card enthusiast a personal deck becomes an extension of yourself when you’re playing cards, doing card tricks or reading fortunes.
by Alex J Coyne. © 2016 Great Bridge Links
Here are some things about playing cards you might not have known about – it could make for great trivia next time it’s your turn to host the party!
The oldest known card deck is the Flemish Hunting deck (or the Hofjager Hunting pack). Each card was painted by hand with gold and silver highlighting, featuring four suits a little different than the ones we use today: nooses, tethers, collars and horns. The suits we know only evolved some time later – eventually being standardized by a combined effort from the French, and then the English to hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades.
This historical piece is currently housed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY, USA, who paid $143, 000 to obtain it. Thankfully, if you’d like to own a set yourself, all you have to do is go online and buy a reproduction.
Of course you want to keep your cards in great shape, but this is easier said than done – especially when decks are used regularly or passed around between friends. Here’s how to make sure your decks last a lifetime:
If simply buying a deck isn’t enough for you, you can create your own. Software like Nandeck (which can be found over at is specially created with the card designer in mind, and it’s a great help for designing a deck with your own personal touch.
Try Make Playing ( to have your own deck of cards printed according to your needs and specifications. These are great for getting your custom-designed deck out there, or maybe you want to create a special deck for an upcoming party, anniversary, birthday or other occasion.
About the author: Alex J Coyne is a freelance journalist, author and language practitioner. Sometimes, he’s got an ace up his sleeve and a Joker in his hat. He can be found at his blog.