New Bridge Books in 2018

New Bridge Books 2018

New Bridge Books in 2018

By Alex J. Coyne © 2018 Great Bridge Links

It’s time to update your bridge library, and there are two things there should always be room for in a card player’s inventory: Another card deck, and just one more book about playing cards! Here are some of our recommendations for newly released and upcoming bridge books for 2018 – get in touch with us if you’d like your book or website to be listed on Great Bridge Links, too!

The Last Board: Everything Depends on It (Mark Horton)

The Last Board: Everything Depends on It by Mark Horton takes a closer look at just how much the last board or card of a game can make all of the difference; in this unusual but brilliant take on historical bridge plays, Horton takes a look at the cards and strategy behind some defining last boards in bridge. January 2018.

Demystifying Defense (Patrick O’Connor)

If you enjoyed the acclaimed debut by Patrick O’Connor entitled A First Book of Bridge Problems, then you should enjoy the next offering from the same author. This time, he focuses on defense plays within bridge and takes the reader through a (very) in-depth look at how to improve your own bridge defense game – and it’s great for both advanced and newer players.  March 2018

Hand of the Week (Joel Barry Martineau)

If you don’t know this author outside of Canada just yet, you should take a look at this one. Hand of the Week by Joel Barry Martineau is a great addition to your bridge book collection if you enjoy taking a look at previous bridge plays for practice – here, he takes a look at how hands can be played practically and leads you through every step, which is great for both beginner and more advanced players.  July 2018

Master of Bridge Psychology: Inside the Remarkable Mind of Peter Fredin

Psychology is a discipline that most people associate with card games like poker, but it’s equally important within a game of bridge – and Master of Bridge Psychology tells the story of Peter Fredin, a Swedish championship bridge player. It’s been called by some “the funniest bridge biography you will ever read” – and it’s a great addition to your collection if you’re a biography-fanatic. October 2018

Tricks of the Trade: Strategic Thinking for Advanced Bridge (Larry Cohen)

If you’re a regular bridge player, then you will likely already have heard of Larry Cohen – or you might have even been on one of his great bridge cruises.  Here’s another book from one of the master teachers of the game that’ll teach you more about approaching advanced bridge strategy.  July 2018

Close Encounters: Bridge’s Greatest Matches (Eric Kokish & Mark Horton)

Think of the most intense card game you’ve ever played in your life. If you love the sheer adrenaline rush that comes with winning (or sometimes losing) around a card table, then you’ll love the stories collected in Close Encounters: Bridge’s Greatest Matches. If you were wondering, yes, there’s a follow up to this book too that’s expected to be released later in 2018 which you can find here. August 2018

The World Championships 2017 at Lyon

Here’s one for players who like keeping an eye on tournament games: The official publication for the Bridge World Championships that were held in Lyon, France in 2017. You can find this and many other World Championship books on the Bridge World bookshelf. These books are extremely valuable discussions on modern play and bidding and will be picked up many times over the years.

Enterprising Bridge Tales: The Original Stories (Marc Smith)

How about something really weird to end off this list? Fan fiction and the game of bridge has always been a popular combination – but that’s material for another article! Fans of Star Trek will enjoy Smith’s blending of bridge lessons and hands with the popular TV science fiction franchise. This book is an updated version of a debut released in 1990, and is worth adding to your collection if you’ve never heard of it – and points to Smith for originality!