Learn bridge this month with 12 excellent bridge-teacher websites that offer students only the best. We’ve collected 12 of the greatest expert players, bridge writers, and card tutors to bring you this list.
By Alex J. Coyne © Great Bridge Links 2021
Learn bridge this month with 12 excellent bridge-teacher websites that offer students only the best. We’ve collected 12 of the greatest expert players, bridge writers, and card tutors to bring you this list.
All Things Bridge is a UK-based bridge website run and managed by player Dom Rayner. Membership to the site gives the user access to lessons.
Minor Membership is free. Students of bridge get access to tutorial videos, test sheets, and a regular Hand-of-the-Week.
Major Membership is £9.99 per month. Added content includes access to video lessons, articles on play & bidding, and more tutorial videos only available for paid users.
Members can also book Private Lessons or Classes with Rayner.
Andrew Robson BridgeCast is a subscription service.
Join for access to daily deals and lesson plans. Beginning and more advanced bridge play gets covered.
Courses are sold with membership, and cover different topics (like Improver 01). Depending on the BridgeCast plan selected, access will be charged per month.
Course & Quiz packages are available for £9.59 per month. A separate plan offers three videos per week at a cheaper £5.99 per-month.
Barbara Seagram has a rich website filled with free resources and paid bridge lessons.
Zoom-broadcast bridge lessons can be booked, or ordered from previous lessons. Recorded video lessons can also be ordered from the site, and they come with extra resources like information sheets, workbooks, and quizzes on bridge.
Rates vary between lesson packages as stated on the site.
Best Bridge Lessons is managed by bridge-pair Silvana and Rich Morici.
Their web-store offers Bridge Lessons for sale. Discounted lessons can be purchased at varying rates, from $10 and up. Clinic passes and more advanced lessons are also available for purchase in the same place, ranging from $10 to around $70.
Also on Best Bridge Lessons, users will find Boot Camps, Beginner Lessons, Private Bridge Lessons, and Online Resources.
Club King Inc is managed by bridge player Peter Steinberg.
A free introductory class is made available to members as an introduction. Members will get access to more, including exercises, bridge events, and articles/lessons about improving your play.
Subscription is a membership fee charged at $49.95. Users also get access to Interactive notes, email support, and more.
Larry Cohen offers a great deal of bridge resources. Many of the resources are free, though advanced resources can be purchased through his store. Seminar registration (for selected seminars) are $10.
Dig further into the world of Cohen and you’ll find Bridge Books for Sale, a free bridge newsletter, and articles.
Bridge Lessons can also be booked for single players or groups by getting in touch.
Marty Bergen sells his bridge seminars and lessons through his website.
Interactive Lessons can be purchased for $25. Lesson transcripts are available for $20. Other free resources are also available from Bergen’s website, including free videos and articles on the art of bridge played better.
Testimonials state that Lawrence “must be a direct descendant of Sherlock Holmes” for his bridge aptitude. Online bridge lessons are available for $15 each. Recorded lessons can also be purchased from the site. Watch for webinar announcement and other events.
Articles, books, software, and other resources are available from the web-store.
NYC-Bridge uploads some of their free video tutorials on YouTube. More content on how to play bridge is made available through their website.
Free articles are hosted on the website to accompany their tutorials. More advanced intermediate classes can be booked through the above link by getting in touch. Classes are presented online.
Pro Bridge Lessons is run by champion and professional bridge player Diyan Danailov.
While the website doesn’t include a great deal of free resources, users can get in touch for one-on-one lessons. Personal bridge tutoring is offered and highly individual to each student.
Contact the website for current, updated rates.
11.Ron Klinger Bridge
Take the Free Tour of Ron Klinger Bridge to see what the site is all about. Free resources including bridge puzzles and lessons can be viewed. Products like ebooks can be purchased from the store for $25 and up.
Weekly Quizzes, Daily Bridge Problems, and Bridge Tutoring are given to members once they’ve signed up.
Richard Pavlicek’s site has one of the largest collections of bridge puzzles out there, with solutions. What places it on this list is a wealth of almost entirely free resources about bridge (and how to play it better). Stop by Pavlicek’s website and it’ll keep you reading for years.
With teachers Rob Barrington, Gavin Wolpert, Anam Tebha and others. The extensive library of bridge lessons, free bridge games and events you will find here make this the premiere site for bridge instruction. Bridge Conventions, Declarer Play, Defending a Bridge Hand, Counting a Bridge Hand, we teach it all and more.
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash