Who is the God of Gambling?

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Throughout history, gamblers have turned to deities for luck, hoping to tip the odds in their favor. From Papa Legba, the trickster of the crossroads, to Fortuna, the Roman goddess of luck, many mythological figures are believed to influence gambling outcomes. Whether through offerings, prayers, or rituals, players across cultures seek divine intervention in their wagers.

Who is the God of Gambline\g?

by Alex J Coyne © Great Bridge Links

It’s not unusual for many gamblers either at a live casino or playing online to ask the Gods for a little bit of good fortune before they place their bets, even those who say they don’t really believe in luck. There are many Gods from mythology who are said to be in charge of luck, and some even play a mean game of cards themselves. Here’s a look at some gambling folklore from around the world.

Papa Legba

Papa Legba, sometimes referred to only as Legba, is better known as the voodoo loa (or lwa) who stands at the crossroads. He is said to appear in the form of an old man with a cane wearing a hat, sometimes with a guitar, deck of cards or bottle of water. Legba speaks all human languages, and he’s the one to approach at the crossroads if you want to make a deal – but not just for music. As a bit of a trickster, he’s fond of gambling, especially cards, and appreciates an offering of tobacco from his followers.

As a voodoo loa of the crossroads, Papa Legba is believed to control access to all the other spirits and deities. Gamblers might seek his favor to open the paths to luck and fortune, hoping he can influence outcomes in their favor. An offering, like tobacco, might be made in an attempt to gain his assistance in gambling endeavors, particularly in card games where skill and chance intertwine.


Hermes is better known as the Greek God of athletics and sports, although a lot of people might not be aware of the fact that he’s also in charge of a few other things, including industries, travellers and gamblers. Like Legba, he also controls the crossroads and serves as the messenger to the rest of the Gods – and also like Legba, one of his associated symbols is the rooster. The symbol used worldwide for medicine, called the caduceus, belongs to Hermes. His Roman equivalent is Mercury.

As the god of various domains, including gambling Hermes’s favor might be sought by gamblers for his ability to influence luck and fortune, given his role as a protector of travelers and those taking risks. Since Hermes also controls the crossroads, gamblers might ask for his guidance in making decisions that could lead to winning outcomes.


Thoth is known as the Egyptian God of writing, knowledge and all that’s ever been written down. Usually, he appears as a man with the head of a baboon or an ibis, and he is usually shown holding a staff and ankh. Other than controlling knowledge and language, he’s also the one to call to for gambling luck – and according to the mythology, Thoth played against the moon to create the calendar we have today.

Thoth’s assistance might be sought by gamblers for his wisdom and control over fate. Since mythology credits him with creating the calendar through a game, gamblers might believe he can influence luck in their favor, helping them choose the right moments to gamble or make strategic bets.


Fortuna is a Roman goddess that’s believed to be in control of luck and fortune – and she is normally depicted with a horn of plenty, a rudder and the wheel of fortune, steering the directions of both fate and luck. Her equivalent in Greek mythology is Tyche.

Gamblers might seek her favor to influence the randomness of gambling outcomes in their direction. Invocations or rituals aiming to gain her blessing might be performed in the hope of securing a favorable turn of events, given her control over the wheel of fortune.


Lakshmi is known as the Hindu goddess of fortune and gambling, and it’s her that one calls to for any sort of gambling or gaming luck – although worshippers approach Lakshmi for any kind of general good fortune, too. Other names for Lakshmi includes Kamalakshi and Sri Devi. During the Diwali festival that takes place every year, gambling and gaming is common in honor of Lakshmi, and many gamble around this time hoping for a prosperous roll of the dice or a winning hand. Prayers and rituals aimed at Lakshmi might be performed for general good fortune, which includes success in gambling.

Lofn: Norse Goddess of Games

Although primarily associated with love and matchmaking in Norse mythology, Lofn’s influence over games and gambling luck is also noted. Gamblers might call upon her for the emotional comfort needed during gambling and for the luck to succeed. Her favor might also be sought in overcoming the challenges associated with gambling, such as  recovering from addiction.



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