Common Questions About Esports Betting Answered!

Common Questions About Esports Betting Answered!

Esports betting is a form of gambling that has grown in popularity over the years. It involves betting virtual currency on eSports teams or players in tournaments or other eSports game events. With its increasing popularity, people have many questions about how it works and how they can get involved.

The hope is that by the time you’re done reading this guide, you’ll better understand the basics behind esports betting. We’ll explain the different types of bets, how to find and select a sportsbook, and what to expect when betting on different events. We’ll also provide some helpful tips for maximizing your potential winnings.

What Is Esports Betting?

Esports betting is placing bets on the outcome of esports games and tournaments. These bets can be placed on the overall winner of the game, the player or team that will win a specific round, and much more. The types of bets that can be placed vary depending on the type of game and tournament being played.

What Are The Different Types of Esports Bets?

There are a variety of different types of esports bets available to bettors. The most common type is the Match Bet. This is when a bettor wagers on the outcome of a single esports match or tournament. Another common bet type is the Live In-Game bet. This is when a bettor wagers on the outcome of a specific play within a live esports match.

Other types of bets include Handicaps, Outrights, Parlay, Props, and more. Each bet type requires a different strategy, which is why it pays to do research beforehand and understand what type of bet will best suit your goals.

Where Can I Bet On Esports?

To bet on esports, you need to find an online bookmaker that offers esports betting, such as 8xbet. Many other bookmakers offer esports betting, but it’s essential to make sure that you choose a reputable one. This can be done by researching customer reviews, reading the terms and conditions, and checking the site’s security protocols.

What Are The Choices of Payment Options?

The payment options available to you will differ depending on the bookmaker you’re using. The most common payment options include credit and debit cards, e-wallets, and cryptocurrencies. However, some bookmakers may also offer additional payment options like bank transfers or pre-paid vouchers.

Is Esports Betting Legal?

It depends on the country and region where you’re placing your bets. In many countries and regions, esports betting is completely legal and regulated. However, in other countries, it may be illegal or subject to certain restrictions. It’s always best to check the laws in your country or region before making any esports bets.

Are There Any Bonuses Or Promotions For Betting On Esports?

Many bookmakers offer special bonuses and promotions for esports bettors. These bonuses and promotions can range from free bets to deposit bonuses to cashback. These bonuses and promotions can be a great way to increase your bankroll and maximize your winnings.


Esports betting is becoming increasingly popular, and understanding the ins and outs of it is key to success. In this blog post, we’ve gone over some of the most common questions about esports betting, including what it is, the different types of bets, where to bet, the minimum bet amount, payment options, currencies, legalities, bonuses, and promotions. With this information, you should be well on your way to a successful esports betting experience.

Photo by Florian Olivo on Unsplash