Christmas Bridge Offers & Where To Find Them

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No need to line up for those last minute gifts! The businesses and services that bring you the best of bridge year round are offering deals and gifts for the holidays.

Christmas Bridge Offers & Where To Find Them

By Alex J. Coyne © Great Bridge Links 2020

HO HO HO from the World of Bridge

The businesses and services that bring you the best of bridge year round are offering deals and gifts for the holidays. We’ve gathered what we could find here – if you know of others, send them our way and we’ll add them to the list!

From subscription discounts on popular bridge magazines to specials on bridge supplies, here’s what could make a great gift to end 2020.

ACBL Guest Membership

The ACBL has their standard form of membership, but they’ve also introduced a new form of Guest Membership for anyone who wants to join for 120 days. Temporary ACBL membership entitles a user to game and tournament entry . It’s for those who would like to know what the ACBL is all about.

The ACBL/Baron Barclay Discount

New members of the ACBL can move to bridge retailer Baron Barclay for a special discount. The discount entitles members to get up to 10% discount on their first online order from Baron Barclay. Navigate around, more individual items are on special offer and you’re certain to find something you like.

Baron Barclay Gift Certificates

Know someone, but not sure what they would like? Some people are just difficult to shop for. Gift certificates can be purchased from Baron Barclay and sent to someone’s inbox.

BeBRIDGE & Bridgerama Magazines

BeBRIDGE & Bridgerama are two of the biggest bridge magazines right now. Get a great discounted deal for Christmas and get 30% off on their regular subscription until December 25th.

Pay only $37, 80 for 6 issues, or pay $27, 20 for 12 instead.

Best Ebridge

Best Ebridge offers online bridge instruction for anyone learning or improving their bridge abilities. Follow this link for a 51% discounted fee plus one free month as a bonus.

Bridge Creations: Christmas Bridge Gifts

Bridge Creations is a South African bridge retailer offering discounts on some listed items, plus Christmas-themed bridge gifts if you know anyone who needs Santa-themed bidding sheets. More is available if you click around.

BridgeShop Discount Packs

BridgeShop is an Australian bridge retailer offering these special discount packs. Items are bundled together, giving bridge players more stuff for less. Watch the page for any changing deals.

Bridge Warehouse

Bridge Warehouse is another bridge retailer based in the UK. Their website is home to hundreds of different bridge items, many available at a discount. Watch for clearance sales or individual deals on their home page.

Ebooks Bridge

Love books? So does Ebooks Bridge.

They’re offering a 25% discount on all bidding books from December 15, 2020 to January 15, 2021. Browse through their selection and pick what you like.

The Bridge World

The Bridge World is one of the world’s oldest bridge magazines. You’ll find a link to their subscriptions page above – and if you like, you can order a Gift Subscription to the magazine for a friend.

Simon Lucas Bridge Supplies

Simon Lucas Bridge Supplies has all sorts of cool bridge deals on their website. Check throughout the year for more. For example, they have 30% savings on bidding boxes, and a set of 4 gold plated bridge pencils at £22.50.

The Baron has a gift for BBO players…

Great Games Products are offering BBO players almost 40% OFF on Bridge Baron 29!  Bridge Baron 29 is the most complete and powerful bridge companion software. Don’t miss this exceptional offer, as it ends on December 31!


Don’t forget our sister site – Gifts and Supplies for Card Players – click on the button to visit.

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