Category: Bridge Stories

HomeBridge Stories

Cricket might be a game of gentlemen, but bridge seems to be the game for, well, everyone – it just happens to income some royal and celebrity players, too. Great Bridge Links went and took a look at some royals, presidents and world leaders who also happened to be avid bridge players just like the …

Thumbs up for Facebook’s Ultimate Bridge from our in house writer Alex. With a great interface, little to no lag time & group chat, it’s almost like you’re there in person. Looking for more online play? Read on for more details.

The historical Portland Club is located in London, and attests to being one of the oldest card clubs out there – and you can’t delve into the history of bridge without finding mentions to its name.

The debate on whether or not the game of bridge can be considered a sport is firing up once again, and the discussion might be burning hotter than the Olympic torch itself as opposing sides come forth with what they think the game should be.

How to eat healthy at your next bridge tournament Links updated Feb 2018 So, you’re headed to your next bridge tournament. You hit your hotel where you will be staying for the next ten days, and remember that to keep your expenses down, you didn’t opt for the full kitchen room but instead have the mini …

Plenty of professional bridge players have switched over to teaching, and there’s a ton of resources available where you get to learn right from the pros. Alex has compiled a list for us!

It’s rare these days for a magazine to have the opportunity to transition into a new form: Being reborn from the ashes of past articles into something new and exciting, while still carrying some of the feathers from the Phoenix past. And yet New Bridge has done just that.

CBD also known as Cannabidiol comes from the Cannabis plant and has positive medicinal effects. It is legal in all 50 US States and has been used as a medicinal extract in the states since 1940.Â