Can DOOL Save Bridge?
Many agree the game of bridge is at a crossroads. In an article on Bridge Winners, Amaresh Deshpande, a bridge advocate and game developer, suggests that the traditional methods of teaching bridge are losing effectiveness. The decline in popularity of trick-taking games, which once served as stepping stones to bridge, and the short attention spans of today’s youth have made it challenging to attract and retain new players. Deshpande believes a fresh approach is needed to rejuvenate bridge and ensure its survival.
Deshpande’s solution is centered around the creation of pre-bridge games designed to captivate younger audiences. These teacher-less games aim to lead players organically toward bridge by making the learning process intuitive and engaging. One of these games is DOOL, a two-player bridge variant that simplifies the mechanics of the game while retaining its strategic depth. With both players assuming the role of declarer throughout the game, DOOL offers a unique twist that emphasizes strategy and decision-making.
In his article, Deshpande highlights how children’s learning styles have evolved. Modern learners prefer self-directed exploration over traditional classroom methods. They seek games that are dynamic, gratifying, and mentally stimulating. DOOL, along with Deshpande’s other creations, aims to meet these needs while introducing players to the foundational skills of bridge.
The development of DOOL is part of a larger initiative that includes other games like Cardoo, a puzzle-based trick-taking game, and Tricko, a party-style trick-avoidance game. To bring these games to a wider audience, Deshpande and his team are seeking funding to enhance the apps, create single-player bots, and make them compatible across various platforms.
Support the Initiative
Deshpande’s crowdfunding campaign is an opportunity for bridge enthusiasts to support the development of these innovative games. By contributing, supporters can help upgrade the apps and make them accessible to more players. Feedback and testing are also essential, so anyone interested in trying the games can participate and share their thoughts. To learn more or contribute, visit the crowdfunding page on Bridge Winners.
How to Play DOOL
DOOL 24/24: Beginner Version
This version uses a 24-card deck and is designed for kids or new players, providing a simplified and engaging way to learn trick-taking gameplay.
Setup: Shuffle the 24-card deck (using only Aces through Nines of each suit). Deal six cards to each player. The remaining 12 cards form two “private dummies,” with six cards assigned to each player. These dummies are kept face down and only visible to the respective player.
Bidding: Players take turns bidding based on the total tricks they believe they can win with their hand and dummy combined. A bid must be higher than the previous bid. There is no suit hierarchy in the bidding phase. Once a player passes, the auction ends, and the highest bidder becomes the declarer.
Player A looks at their hand and dummy, estimating they can win four tricks, so they bid “4.”Player B evaluates their own hand and dummy and bids “5,” believing they can win five tricks.Player A decides not to bid higher and passes. Player B wins the auction and becomes the declarer with a contract of five tricks. This means Player B must win at least five tricks to score points.
Example: Player A has a hand with three high cards (Ace, King, Queen) and estimates they can win four tricks based on their dummy. Player B assesses their hand and dummy and bids three tricks. Player A bids four. If Player B passes, Player A becomes the declarer with a contract of four tricks.
Play: The declarer begins by choosing whether the opening lead comes from their hand or dummy. Note, all four hands are kept private, none placed face up on the table as in bridge.
- The chosen source leads a card, and play alternates as follows:Here’s the sequence for a trick:
- The declarer chooses the first lead, either from their hand or dummy.
- The opponent plays a card from their hand in response.
- The declarer plays the next card from their other source (hand if dummy led, or dummy if hand led).
- The opponent completes the trick by playing a card from their dummy.Players must follow suit if possible; otherwise, they may play any card. The highest card of the suit led wins the trick. After each trick, the declarer decides whether the next lead comes from their hand or dummy, and the sequence continues.
Scoring: Points are awarded based on the number of tricks won relative to the declarer’s bid. For example, if the declarer bids four tricks and wins four or more, they score positive points. If they fail to meet their bid, they lose points. Detailed scoring rules can be adjusted for simplicity, such as awarding one point per successful trick.
Scoring in Dool
DOOL uses a simplified scoring system to make the game accessible while retaining strategic depth. Points are awarded or deducted based on the declarer’s success in fulfilling their contract:
- Successful Contract: The declarer scores 10 points for each trick they bid and successfully win. For example, if the declarer bids 4 and wins 4 or more tricks, they score 40 points.
- Overtricks: Each trick won beyond the declared contract earns an additional 5 points.
- Failed Contract: If the declarer fails to meet their bid, they lose 10 points for every trick they fall short. For instance, if the declarer bids 4 but only wins 3 tricks, they lose 10 points.
- Opponent Scoring: The opponent earns 5 points for each trick they win, regardless of the declarer’s success or failure.
- This straightforward scoring system ensures that players are rewarded for accuracy in bidding and strategic play.
DOOL 52/52: Advanced Version
Using a standard 52-card deck, this version offers more complexity and is suitable for experienced players.
- Setup: Each player is dealt 13 cards, with another 13 forming their private dummy.
- Bidding: Follows bridge-like bidding with suit hierarchy. Players compete for the best contract based on their combined 26-card holding.
- Play: Players can swap one card between their hand and dummy. The declarer chooses the direction of the opening lead.
- Scoring: Uses traditional bridge scoring.
Getting Started
Perhaps the best way to get started with this game is to play it online. To me, it seems like having to manage two hands might be unwieldy for most kids. But luckily, DOOL is available online and can be played with a friend. Use the links below to access the game:
To begin, share the game link with your opponent, set up the match, and refer to the complete rules available in the game interface. Feedback on gameplay can be provided via this form.
DOOL represents a bold attempt to modernize trick-taking games and attract a new generation of players to bridge. With support from the bridge community, it could play a significant role in ensuring the game’s future.
I would suggest if there is ever interest, a box game would work well. It can include a custom deck of cards as well as hand holders. We used to use Card Holdas for all our card games when my daughter was wee. I think that company went out of business. But these little discs from Baron Barclay would do the job.