Your Bridge Room Checklist

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Setting up a bridge room for games at home (or on behalf of your bridge club) seems like a major hassle and a lot of work: But it shouldn’t have to be. Here’s everything you’ll need to set up your basic bridge room and just where to get it.

Your Bridge Room Checklist

Your Bridge Room Checklist

Setting up a bridge room for games at home (or on behalf of your bridge club) seems like a major hassle and a lot of work: But it shouldn’t have to be. Here’s everything you’ll need to set up your basic bridge room and just where to get it.

What You’ll Need

Playing Cards

You can’t play a card game without cards! Start by checking out some of our Great Bridge Links lists of where you can buy your first, second, third or thousandth set of playing cards.

Bridge Table(s)

For when a regular dining room table just isn’t cutting it anymore, invest good money in a proper bridge table. It’s something that’ll likely be passed down through several more generations if you take care of it, so don’t be afraid to spend good money for something decent.

Sites like eBay are great for picking up a used table, or you can head to Kardwell: They offer a couple of options, including foldable, solid wooden top tables. (They’ve also got table covers and “bridge chairs” for order on their website, so check it out.)

Bidding Boxes

Baron Barclay Bridge Supply lays claim to being one of the largest suppliers out there for Bridge equipment, so you can buy much, much more than just bidding boxes from their site. But, for starters, they’ve got Pocket Style Bidding Boxes ($12.95), a set of four Universal Bidding Boxes ($44.95) and a SuperBridgeBox set of four ($39.95).

Electronic Shuffler

This electronic card shuffler takes six decks at a time and works on battery power; it’ll run you $8.50 plus the batteries.

Playing Card Holders

Hands getting tired? This is by no means essential for a card game, but it still might be something you want to add to your bridge room. Available from Amazon, this set of card holders comes with two and will cost you $8.59.

Home Bridge Kits

If you want to set up everything in one go, take a look at The Bridge Shop’s (Australie) Home Bridge Kits. Their most basic model is called The Starter ($97.80) and comes with a bridge table, two decks of playing cards, four rubber bridge scorers (pencils included) and one bidding pad. They’ve also got The Home Duplicate ($89.52), The Entertainer ($120.37) and The Deluxe ($255.78).

If you’re in the UK, Jannersten Forlag offers TOPS which contains all you need to play Duplicate with your friends. Four decks of cards, 8×16 deals with results, score sheets etc., all served in an elegant looking box.

The Bridge Tally – Bridge Score Cards

A bridge tally is a simple yet clever tool used in social or party bridge games to organize players’ movements, scores, and partnerships. These are a must and you can read all about them in What is a Bridge Tally?

Buying More Supplies

Need more? Here are some more bridge supply stores to fill up your bridge room with whatever you need!

THE USA : Great selection of bridge acccessories

Bridge Buddy : A leading provider of custom designed Duplicate Bridge Supplies.

Baron Barclay Bridge Supplies: Official supplier of ACBL approved duplicate bridge supplies.


The Bridge Shop


Vince Oddy’s Bridge Supplies – Complete selection of duplicate bridge supplies for home and club

Canadian Bridge Supplies – Bridge cards, boards and duplicate wallets


Trump Suit Bridge Accessories – cost effective bridge accessories including bidding box, bidding cards, bridge cards, bridge boards, shuttle boards, passing trays, screen for bridge tables, etc. Suppliers to the Asia Pacific Bridge Federation Championships and World Mindsports Games.


The Bridge Warehouse – Quality bridge supplies at competitive prices for the EBU and non-EBU members. “We are not sending parcels over 2 kilos outside of the UK at the moment including Northern Ireland due to high EU Import Duties. “


Le Bridgeur – bridge supplies, magazine, and games


Bridge Creations – Johannesburg.


Jannersten Forlag – the world’s first-established retailer of bridge supplies. Also the world’s leading manufacturer and wholesaler of equipment for tournament bridge. And they’ve got a nice new webpage!

Jannersten Supermarket – everything you need to run a bridge game.


Richmond Bridge – Cards, Bridge Essentials and Gifts

Bridge in the Box – this interesting UK shop has some beautiful boxed cards, bone china dish, and other tasteful card lover’s accessories.

Chess & Bridge UK – Chess and Bridge Supplies in London.

Simon Lucas Bridge Supplies   – some of the most beautiful bridge and card supplies and sets in the world.

A.L. Fleming Play  Bridge Shop – basic bridge supplies, accessories and gifts – delivers to UK, Scottish Highlands, Isle of Wight, Channel Islands, Northern Ireland, and Europe.

by Alex J. Coyne © 2017 Great Bridge Links

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