Lockdown restrictions are lifting throughout the world. As rules continue to relax, many bridge players and clubs are hoping to return to face-to-face playing. But not all clubs will choose to re-open for physical games this soon.
By Alex Coyne © Gifts for Card Players
Lockdown restrictions are lifting throughout the world.
Here’s how websites like Great Bridge Links, BridgeClubMap, and BridgeScanner can help.
Great Bridge Links has got your back!
We keep a comprehensive list of links to places you can find physical bridge clubs and their websites/contact details. The GBL Clubs Page gets updated often, and fresh international club lists are added as we receive their details.
Players can view the GBL Clubs Page here.
BridgeScanner is a bridge classifieds website that specializes in listing physical bridge tournaments, festivals, and other related events. Hundreds of active events appear on BridgeScanner network, and users can add their own.
If you are an organizer or club, you can list your event through BridgeScanner just by filling in the most important details about it on the website.
Great Bridge Links has interviewed Erikas from BridgeScanner before.
Visit the official BridgeScanner website, or view our previous interviews at the links below:
Hundreds of Bridge Clubs around the world use BridgeWebs for their bridge club sites. To see if there’s one close to you, visit their Find A Club Page.
BridgeClubMap is a brand new bridge website created and run by Jurgen Agten. Its goal is to help players connect with physical clubs in their area. Anyone can add a listing, which is then checked and marked as verified by site administrators.
Great Bridge Links sent Jurgen a couple of questions via email to find out more.
Jurgen says that his passion for bridge took off while he was studying, about 15 years ago.
“When I moved back to my hometown it was difficult to find information about local clubs.” Finding clubs meant searching through online lists the old way. After COVID-19 restrictions, Jurgen says that it became more difficult to find open bridge clubs.
Thanks to his experience running an online gift shop, Jurgen says that he knew a thing or two about usability. He originally programmed the BridgeClubMap for his own use, but says that he soon wondered about the bigger picture for other bridge players.
“I took a nice URL, and now I’m trying to spread the word.”
“Everyone can fill in their 5 closest clubs, and that should take up only 5 minutes of your time.” Jurgen notes. “You help yourself and others. Especially for bridgeurs who learned the game online, it will be a great tool to find a local club (or it can be a way to find a new club in your area or when you are on vacation).
Users don’t require a login to add their bridge club listings. “Everyone can contribute, and suggest changes. It’s like a Wikipedia for bridge clubs.”
All listings are checked and verified by website moderators. For users who want to become mods, accounts are available.
“Use the site for yourself! Just go to bridgeclubmap.com and fill in the 5 closest clubs. You’ll help other players, and might just meet new bridgeurs in your club!”