53 billion billion billion bridge hands

Play Contract Bridge Online

Bridge Baron 26 Software

Sometimes, you just wanna play some bridge.

Bridge Baron 26 Play Learn Bridge SoftwareBridge Baron 26 is a bridge playing software program. You can play offline practicing hands from tournaments, randomly dealt or even newspaper hands. Or you can play online in duplicate clubs, rubber bridge clubs. You can play at an open table, an invite table (friends live too far away? Invite them to join you for a few hands of your favourite game) or against robots (beginner, intermediate or advanced). Choose your conventions, your scoring. You can set up and save convention cards for your different partnerships. You can even upload your own hands, or save played hands for another time.

There are 53 billion billion billion possible hands in the game of bridge. Bridge Baron 26 has a random deal generator that can access all these deals!

There are seven bidding systemes including: Standard American 5-card Majors, SAYC (Standard Yellow Card), 2-over-1, Precision, Acol, La Majeure Cinquieme, Forum D., or build your own from more than 100 available conventions.

Bridge Baron 26 won’t play on your mobile device, but there is an App that will – just visit your device’s app store and search for Bridge Baron.

The reviews below can be found on Amazon.

5 Stars: You must have a knowledge of bridge since this is not a learning tool; it is a practice tool. I like it.

4 Stars: This is a great program for practicing. It gives you hints on bidding and playing. However, it is not a good learning program – it leaves off much of the why. If you are beginner player, use another program to learn and then purchase this for tons of practice.

5 Stars: My husband gets hours of enjoyment from Bridge Baron

5 Stars: Bridge Baron Game is perfect for all types of Bridge. Bought for my husband – he loves it and uses it for several hours every day.

5 Stars: Good Game! I am pleased with the biidding and the play. It is good practice and entertainment between live games with my friends. I am not a beginner, but it would be good for players at any level.

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For Windows and MAC

WINDOWS: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10; You will need 300MB hard disk and 32MB of RAM, screen resolution of 800×600; (THIS WILL NOT WORK ON iPAD, ANDROID OR iPHONE) Must have Windows XP (SP3) or later to use Online Play.

MAC: OS 10.8 and later

Go to your device’s App store and search Bridge Baron – you’ll find it!


Added the XYZ convention.

For your opening 1NT bid, you now have not only the choice of a three-point range, such as 12-14, 15-17, or 16-18, but also the option of a four-point range, such as 11-14 or 15-18.

Added new Bridge Tournaments for FREE, such as the 2013 Cavendish (with cross-IMPs scoring) and the 2014 NSWBA ANC Butler Open Selection (with Butler IMPs scoring).

24 new challenging problem deals for a total of 434 Challenges. Kit Woolsey, multiple world champion and author of several bridge books, designed the new deals.

Improved the bidding, declarer play, and defense.

Menu – Major changes to our new settings feature include –

settings can be updated at any time, no limitations;

settings is a single window with 6 Tabs that lets you manage all game settings.

Card Layout – New layout, bigger cards, easy to read and easy to access.

Floating Bidding Window – Bigger (and resizable) floating bidding window for easy access and better viewing of you and your partners bidding session.

Info Tab – The Info tabs located on the right, replaces most of the actions from the Main Menu actions in BB23.

Previous Trick View – Now you can view your previous trick by simply placing your mouse on the lower right corner of the table.

Review Feature – Review screen on the right will allow you to quickly view all previous tricks played, including the bidding session for that hand.

Auction Interpretation Feature – Auction Interpretation will give you the tools you need to make the right bidding decisions.

Par Contract View

Improved bidding, declarer play & defense

New tournaments, including 2012 Cavendish (cross-IMPs) and 2013 Butler Open Selection (Butler IMPs) 24 new challenging problem deals designed by Kit Woolsey for a total of 410 challenges

An all-new, easy-to-use Windows graphical user interfac

[ap_call_to_action button_text=”Buy Now” button_url=”http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0193X6NDM/ref=as_li_ss_tl?keywords=bridge%20baron%2026&qid=1451924200&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1&linkCode=sl1&tag=griforcarpla-20&linkId=f51164d67c9a9e8adb4d011d3b0e837c” button_align=”left”]Purchase your copy of Bridge Baron 26[/ap_call_to_action]