Bridge Columns, Columns & Columns

Bridge Columns

Bridge Columns, Columns & Columns

By Alex J. Coyne © 2018 Great Bridge Links

You always want to be at the top of your bridge game. So, when you’re not sitting at the table actively involved in a game, you can benefit from reading about bridge instead. It was big news when the New York Times pulled their regular bridge column (you’ll find a link to their archives here) – were you a regular reader? We’ve collected some bridge columns and archives to keep you busy. Remember, daily practice is the key to success in any endeavour. Greatness takes more than a single day.

Andrew Robson’s Bridge Articles

Andrew Robson is one of the top bridge players in the UK. Not just that, he’s also one of the top teachers. Many are already familiar with his line of bridge books and courses: Here, you can find a collection of excellent articles, tips and columns hosted on his official website.

The New York Times

The New York Times is one of the top publications in the world, and their bridge column has hosted many great bridge writers. You can find a comprehensive archive of NY Times Bridge columns hosted on their website.

Richard Pavlicek’s Column Collection

Richard Pavlicek’s website is a hugely rich resource of bridge information and tips for players. Keep a regular eye on his site, especially if you’re a player on a quest to improve their game. You can find a collection of his bridge columns hosted on his website. 

Audrey Grant’s Interactive Daily Column

Audrey Grant is well-known in bridge circles for her bridge lessons, books, courses and cruises – and, of course, her bridge playing prowess. Here, you can find her interactive daily bridge column which allows for some reader interaction and is bound to leave you thinking.

Frank Stewart’s Daily Bridge Column

Here’s another favourite for readers looking for a daily bridge column to devour: This one is courtesy of Baron Barclay Bridge Supplies, written by bridge player and expert Frank Stewart. Browse around the website for – obviously – bridge supplies, but also a lot of good bridge playing advice.

Bridge with Zia Mahmood

Zia Mahmood is a particularly well-known bridge player, and here you can find a link to the column archive for Bridge with Zia Machmood.

Goren Bridge Column by Bob Jones

If you didn’t know, Goren Bridge is a bridge system named after the player who invented it, Charles Goren – also known as Mr. Bridge. Here, you can find links to the Goren Bridge Column written by Bob Jones on the Tribune Content Agency website. 

Coffee Break: Great Bridge Links

We have a great aggregate page right here on Great Bridge Links where you’ll find just what you’re looking for!

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