52 Entertainment Continues its March Across the World of Bridge

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The 52 Entertainment brand is gaining speed – and steadily becoming one of the largest umbrellas in the world of bridge. Great Game Products, Bridge Baron, Bridge Base Online, China Bridge Online, and Funbridge are some of the recent additions and now Master Point Press.

52 Entertainment Continues its March Across the World of Bridge

Master Point Press: Now A Part Of 52 Entertainment

By Alex J. Coyne © Great Bridge Links 2020

The 52 Entertainment brand is gaining speed – and steadily becoming one of the largest umbrellas in the world of bridge. Great Game Products, Bridge Baron, Bridge Base Online, China Bridge Online, and Funbridge are some of the recent additions and now Master Point Press.

Great Bridge Links heard about the recent inclusion of Master Point Press, a long-time Canadian publisher in the bridge world responsible for some of our all-time favourite bridge titles.

GBL spoke to Ray-Lee about the merger with 52 Entertainment, and why he says it’s a great opportunity to see Master Point Press continue to thrive well into the future.

About 52 Entertainment

“52 Entertainment was founded by the merger of Funbridge and Bridge Base (in 2018) by the current shareholders, the current management and myself.” says Olivier Comte from GOTO Games.

From our previous coverage on 52 Entertainment, here’s what they’ve got in their hand so far:

  • Bridge Base Online
  • Bridge Baron
  • China Bridge Online
  • Great Game Products
  • Funbridge
  • Goto Games
  • Le Bridgeur
  • Master Point Press

From Ray Lee

Ray Lee from Master Point Press says that a main objective of the merger was to ensure the longevity of MPP after his retirement.

“I’m not sure when that will be, but I’m 75 years old, and I won’t be here forever.”

After Ray-Lee and his partner Linda spent 25 years building Master Point Press, Ray-Lee says he wanted to see the company continue to thrive.

When the chance to join 52 Entertainment came up he took it and calls the result a win-win situation.

“The opportunity to join a dynamic group that will open new markets for our books and authors, and give us access to resources we wouldn’t have on our own.

While lockdown has affected face-to-face bridge worldwide, Ray-Lee is happy to say that bridge authors have spent the time writing new books.

“We have a record number of titles planned for release in the 18-24 months.”

And we look forward to reading them!

Read our Previous Interview with 52 Entertainment here ->

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