3 Main Rules of Poker Etiquette 

3 Main Rules of Poker Etiquette

Even a few years ago people couldn’t imagine that they would be able to visit a gambling establishment. Yet, today it’s possible to play online Roulette here or other table games, such as baccarat or poker. But what if you’ve decided to visit a real casino? Then you should follow these etiquette rules. There are unspoken rules of conduct that most professionals try to follow. And that you need to know if you want to be treated with respect at the table.

Time Is Money

The obvious rule is not to waste time unnecessarily. Players are accustomed to the fact that on the Internet, deals go by quickly. And many are annoyed when someone is wasting time. Of course, there are times when you really need to think through a difficult situation. But even then do not forget that others are waiting for your move and they want to continue the game as soon as possible.

According to casino rules, you can demand to time another player, if he thinks too long. Then the tournament manager will give a minute for reflection. But in poker circles it is considered unethical to use this right immediately, if the opponent is clearly having a difficult decision. Especially if there is a big pot at stake.

The Subtleties of Trash Talk

Talking is a powerful tool, which poker pros can use to elicit useful information from their opponents. That’s why beginners are advised to keep their mouths shut. You have every right not to answer when someone asks you something during a hand. It won’t even be considered impolite.


With chatter is a different matter. For example, Daniel Negreanu is an example of positive communication. He is always friendly, loves to joke and chat about distracted topics. And, at the same time, closely follows the players, analyzes their behavior, assessing the strength of their hands.


Slowroll is the deliberate stalling of time in a situation where you have a hand you can’t lose with. It is considered one of the dirtiest tricks in poker. It’s as if you’re giving your opponent false hope, so that you can then knock him out with a nats show.

An example of this is Mikel Hub’s behavior in the hand against Samantha Abernathy. With pocket kings and a very simple solution, he put on a show before the call of the all-in.

Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash