Stay away from finger foods that will make your guests’ hands greasy or oily or make them lick their fingers.
Stay away from finger foods that will make your guests’ hands greasy or oily or make them lick their fingers.
Bridge isn’t just bridge. There are many different forms of bridge, including duplicate bridge, rubber bridge, Chicago bridge and the aptly named Minibridge. We’ve collected some more info about each for you below. Which form does your favorite bridge game take?
Planning on attending a Bridge tournament in the new year? Alex has put together a helpful checklist to prepare you for your first tournament adventure.
Bidding boxes, table screens, bidding trays and crowd sourced video surveillance – it’s not your grandma’s bridge game anymore!
Did you just see someone cheat at bridge? Or worse, did someone just accuse you of cheating? As you can expect, this is a very sensitive topic and newcomers to the game will appreciate an introduction to cheating at bridge.