Category: Bridge Stories

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Just Declare Bridge is a solitary bridge game available through Bridge Base Online that allows you to play a game of bridge against intelligent robot players – with you as the game’s declarer by default. It can be a great way to practice your skills and improve your overall game with just a click.

For our next article in our world bridge series, with the International Bridge Fest taking place on the 11thof May, 2019 in Warsaw, we take a closer look at the current bridge scene in Poland.

Bridge in Poland

Money bridge was huge at one point, but it seems like it’s disappeared from the scene, leaving precious few options left where you can play an online bridge game for cash. We wondered why there aren’t more readily available options for money bridge through online casinos, so we went digging.

Money Bridge

We’re taking a closer look at the game in Pakistan for the first in a series of World Bridge articles by country. Where did bridge first take root in the country, where is it now and where is the game going from here?

Bridge in Pakistan

The White House Junior Internationals for 2019 took place between the 24th to the 29th of March at Het Witte Huis (or the White House) in Amsterdam. It’s one of the biggest youth bridge tournaments of the year with 24 teams competing for the top spot. We spoke to Tim Heeres from the Nederlandsche Bridgebond …

White House Junior International

The North American Bridge Federation is the newest of the World Bridge Federation’s Zonal Authorities and comprises the Federacion Mexicana de Bridge, the USBF and the Canadian Bridge Federation.Players from North America have a lot of questions about this, not the least of which is “Why?”

WBF - North Amerian Bridge Federation

A seemingly quiet little tatement in the March 2019 International Bridge Players Association Monthly Bulletin has sent shockwaves throughout the bridge world.

Eric Rodwell & Jeff Meckstroth