Swan Games closes its doors – for now. Players worldwide have been trying to connect to Swan Games, an online bridge platform, with little success over the past weeks. Today, founder Adam Parrish popped into a thread on BridgeWinners to say: We have shut the site down for the time being. We are regrouping and considering our options. Thanks so much to everyone who supported us. We at Great Bridge Links hope the best for Swan Games.

New Platforms – To find the latest platforms to play bridge online, see our Play Bridge Online page.

The Unofficial Computer Bridge Championships 2023. Congratulations to QPlus 15.3 (one of the oldest bridge programs) for their first place finish, followed closely by Wbridge 5.12. Read more on our Bridge Software pages.

The History of Big Deal – Big Deal is a program for dealing bridge hands first introduced at the Bridge Olympiad in 2000. Written by Hans Van Staveren, it has been recently updated (BigDeal 2.0). In commemoration of this, perhaps the final, update, Hans has published The History of Big Deal for, well, history!

Computer Vision is designed to detect cards (with timing and orientation) in real time. It automatically detects and records timing (i.e. hesitations, slow play) as well as the bidding and play, providing accurate records for all hands at all tables. It also detects behavioural indicators (e.g. card orientation) – in other words, potential cheating mechanisms. AI and Computer Vision researchers at Monash University in Australia have developed an initial proof of concept and even with a standard laptop, vision can be processed and annotated in realtime. Running trials during the 2023 World Championships, researchers are hoping to attract funding support to develop the software further. Link to see the trial in action  video here