The EBU’s National Grading System (NGS) – How It’s Different From ACBL Master Points

The EBU's National Grading System - Great Bridge Links
The English Bridge Union (EBU) considers the National Grading System “a fair and trustworthy measure of an individual's current performance” at bridge. Here's everything bridge players should know about the introduction and use of the NGS – including how bots are ranked as competitors alongside human players.

BAMSA and the Academic Exploration of Bridge

Keep Bridge Alive - BAMSA
Bridge: A MindSport for All (BAMSA) is a collaborative research project launched by the University of Stirling (UK) and Professor Samantha Punch to investigate the research potential of bridge, bridge players and the sociology surrounding them. Great Bridge Links checked in with the professor to find out where BAMSA is headed (and how bridge researchers can take advantage).

Recipe for taking social bridge online.

Thank you partner lithograph
For many bridge players, the game is a social activity played at home with friends rather than in a club or online. Lockdowns have prevented this. Going online is a partial answer, so Alan Rickayzen has summarized the learnings he's gained helping my father and his over 90’s friends migrate to online.

Get Your Trump Markers Here

Trump indicators - Great Bridge Links
Trump markers today are a niche collectible, found in myriad forms but all originally serving one purpose: to signal which suit was trump. Alex has searched far and wide to bring your this great list of trump indicator resources.

RealBridge: An Online Bridge Server for Face-to-Face Bridge?

RealBridge is a new online bridge platform created to provide “an online bridge experience which is closer to face-to-face bridge.” We spoke to programmer, bridgeur and blues player Graham Hazel from the development team about what RealBridge is – and what it might be able to bring to the table getting closer to its launch date.