Bridge Resources & Laws

  • On this page you’ll find interesting content regarding the Laws of Duplicate Bridge, Duplicate Movements, Party Bridge, Bridge Scoring, Bridge History and more.

The Laws

Laws from the World Bridge Federation –

The Laws of Duplicate Bridge 2017 Copyright © World Bridge Federation Effective March 2017 GENDER NEUTRAL EDITION click here for PDF


The Laws of Duplicate Bridge – Wikipedia –

International Bridge Laws Forum. If you like to study the laws and discuss the laws. Bridge Base hosts an interesting forum.

Institute of Bridge Arbitration – Administering bridge arbitrations and recruiting and training bridge players to serve as bridge arbitrators.

Party Bridge

Bridge Tallies – this is a fun and easy way to set up a home game with more than one table. Read about bridge tallies here >

Fun Night at the Club – To make a change from the normal weekly duplicate, why not try a Fun Night? You have some boards with different rules, and various prizes. It is very suitable for a Christmas party, or perhaps for Midsummer Day. David Stevenson, Donal Lyons, Jens Christiansen

Bingo Bridge – Phil Hatton, Matidstone England

Honeymoon Bridge – The name Honeymoon Bridge can be applied to any adaptation of Contract Bridge for two players. There are several versions. All of them use a 52-card pack, with suits and cards in each suit ranking as in Bridge. Scoring is the same as in Rubber Bridge.

Bridge History

Jeff Tang’s History of Bridge page.

History of Bridge – Wikipedia

Historical Artifacts and Ephemera from Peter Dunn – Novelties / curiosities, scoring gadgets and calculators, ashtrays and pin trays, cigarette lighters, trump indicators, playing card boxes, collectable playing cards and more.

Bridge Museums

ACBL Museum and Historical Timeline

Foundation for the Preservation and Advancement of Bridge – some great history on this website including a Museum and is the home of Joan Schepps Collection of Trump Indicators

Bridge Glossaries

Play Bridge Online!

Maybe you would like to try playing a bit of bridge online. You will meet an awful lot of friendly people at the various online bridge clubs. There is also an awful lot of bridge software available – including apps. And in modern times, it’s becoming very popular to play online against robots! This way you can play anytime anywhere on your phone or tablet.

Beginner Bridge Pages

Great Bridge Links has a good jump-in page where you can Learn to Play Contract Bridge. You will find a great list of links to How to Play sites around the world as well as software and videos.

All About Cards

Gifts and Supplies for Card Players – This is our sister site. You’ll find gifts, supplies and novelties for card players and card parties and you’ll also find a lot of bridge supply resources. We’ve done the surfing for you!

Solitaire Central – A central resource for all solitaire and patience card game enthusiasts, with solitaire information, solitaire downloads, a solitaire rulebook, and a comprehensive listing of solitaires for Windows, Macintosh, and online play. (February 1, 1999)

52plus Joker – For collectors! Originally formed to cater to the interests of collectors of American antique playing card decks, 52 Plus Joker has long since broadened the scope of the club to include the collecting of playing cards and related items of all sorts, and from around the world! – this is one of our go-to websites for card games rules. Remember that game you used to play with your second cousin in the old Bowler Trailer on those summer campouts? What was it again? Well, now you’ll be able to find it and many more!

Cats At Cards.Welcome to Cats at Cards, with rules for dozens of exciting and fun card games for players of all skill levels.The direct link to our Bridge page click here

The World of Playing Cards – an established website which will delight those who love cards.