In some online bridge casinos your partner will be a robot, and the opposing team will consist of a real person and their computer software partner. While the game is still four players, only two of them are real people. The positions of the humans and robots are randomly generated and since the partners are robots, players are not able to engage in any form of unauthorized communication.
How to play Video Poker – you know you wanna
Video poker terminals look like fun and you like poker. Here are some tips to help you sit down and feel comfortable playing your first game of video poker.
Dirty Hands – A cheating scandal in the world of professional bridge.
No matter what eventually happens, players today seem less resigned to unethical behavior by opponents than players of the past sometimes did—no doubt partly because, for the time being, they have the tools to fight it. Read how this came about in 2015 thanks to Boye Brogeland.
53 billion billion billion bridge hands
Bridge Baron 26 Software Sometimes, you just wanna play some bridge. Bridge Baron 26 is a bridge playing software program....
These pencils could make you sharper, calmer and more focused
The benefits of Doodling by Sky Goodwin In high school and college I doodled all over my books, my papers...