About Great Bridge Links

greatbridgelinks@gmail.com | Vancouver, BC, Canada

Great Bridge Links first appeared on the internet in 1995 as a page on the Canadian Bridge Federation website. After residing there for a few years it became evident that the ‘page’ was growing at such a rate, it had become impractical to keep it on the cbf.ca host. In 2000 Jude Goodwin moved the site over to its own domain and host (Ezy-Hosts.com) and it has been thriving ever since. This year marks 25 years online!

Originally the site serviced a global online community of bridge players that had very little else to help map the resources and information available. Today there are thousands of bridge sites, and Great Bridge Links plays more of a portal role in world of bridge websites.  70% of our visitors are visiting for the first time. This statistic has remained constant over the last decade.

Most of our pages are created with these visitors in mind. However, we continue to manage the Bridge Tournaments section for our regular viewers – this is a page that has no duplicate elsewhere and remains popular. Other pages that are returned to time and again are the Bridge Software and the Play Bridge Online sections.

And of course, New Links is a first-stop for everyone. Be sure to check New Links often!

New in 2017 was the establishment of an active and current MAGAZINE section.  We have a lot of fun writing and researching articles for the magazine. As well, you’ll notice a ‘casino library’ where you can find a variety of sponsor articles about the casino industry.

Jude Goodwin Cartoonist Life Master Bridge Player

Jude Goodwin is the author of Teach Me To Play and the cartoonist behind the Table Talk cartoons. Jude’s company – Goodwin Studios – has developed both Great Bridge Links and Gifts & Supplies for Card Players, another popular bridge portal. Now semi-retired, Jude lives and plays bridge in Vancouver and manages her two websites.

Bridge Links are Free! If you’d like to submit a link, please use the form at the bottom of every page. Or send it to Jude Goodwin  greatbridgelinks@gmail.com

Domain Owner – Jude Goodwin Jude Goodwin
Goodwin Studios
Vancouver, British Columbia
V5V 0H9  Canada

Good Words

So, don’t waste your time in perpetual surfing. All the hard work has already been done. – Fred Gitelman & Sheri Winestock, 
About Bridge & Computers, Better Bridge Magazine 

Great Bridge Links has been designated a Cool Site in the Netscape Open Directory. Your site is, and has been for a long time, the best bridge ressource on the net. It really is worthy of this special mark! (November 2002)Great Bridge Links was designated a Cool Site in the Netscape Open Directory. Your site is, and has been for a long time, the best bridge ressource on the net. It really is worthy of this special mark! (November 2002)

You have a great website … Thanks for all your hard work and devotion to getting information to players around the world. – Al Levy, past ACBL president, Computer-bridge championship.

There is only one place to go – Great Bridge Links. This site is the GREATEST. This site sets the International Standard for Great Web Sites and does the Bridge information task for beginners or grizzered veterans in an examplary manner. –Earl Hamman

Great Bridge Links is a remarkable resource, you have done an amazing job with it!
 – Colleen Wilson, Cascade Management (BridgeMart.com and WebForClubs.com) Colleen@BridgeMart.com

I appreciate receiving your newsletter and that your site is such a good one for keeping apprised of changes in the electronic bridge world. – Virginia Thompson (Play 3NT! and Play 4M! software) virginia@brickbarn.com

Congrats to you for a splendid site – it has proved useful for me on many an occasion!
 – Sid – South African Bridge Federation 
April 2001

GBL has turned into a very nice “starting page” for bridge players – I very much like your pages – especially the Competition Calendar.
 – Eskil Hagen www.topbridge.com

I enjoy your newsletters; thanks for sending them. 
Richard Pavlicek

Just don’t know how to thank you for this great newsletter. There is always something new & interesting. My heartfelt thanks to you & your staff, for all your hard work.
 – Judith Taylor in Oregon

GBL is THE premium site for anything bridge. I looked at it finally two days ago and I was astounded at its content and ease of use. – Dwayne Hoffman Apollo Beach, FL
 Feb 21, 1999

So, don’t waste your time in perpetual surfing. All the hard work has already been done.
Fred Gitelman & Sheri Winestock, 
About Bridge & Computers, Better Bridge Magazine 
May 1999

From this website, you can go anywhere in the Internet bridge community. It should be your “yellow pages” for bridge activities. – Bridge Today University, Course 101, Spring 1999.


Great Bridge Links is financed through sponsored content and text ads. We apologize to anyone who finds this offensive. It’s our mandate to minimize the impact of these ads on your overall experience while visiting Great Bridge Links. If you’re a gamer, you’ll enjoy our Casino Library. If you’re just into bridge, 90% of our pages are pure bridge joy, including the Bridge Stories and Bridge Basics sections in our magazine.

For information about advertising on Great Bridge Links please click here.